International Certified Trainner

  • I have a passion for helping people change their lives.
  • I am an internationally certified personal trainer certified by Reps and Active IQ.
  • I train clients both online and In person.
  • I have trained in various disciplines, hence i have a vast knowledge about in different kinds of training.
  • I have advanced knowledge in yoga, pranayama, and meditation as I religiously perform them every day.
  • I truly believe in the importance of mental health and being mentally fit as well as physically.
  • I am also into martial arts such as Karate, capoeira, MMA, Boxing.
  • I am currently based in Dubai. Over the years I have helped many people from all around the world in achieving their goals of losing weight, getting in shape, getting stronger and i am here to help you improve your physique, get you healthier both mentally and physically and reach your goals.
  • More About Me

    Growing up I was chubby and out of shape. Even though I was a national level swimmer, I never looked like one. I was never happy with the way I looked or felt. I hated looking at myself in the mirror. At 14, I decided to start working out. However, I didn’t see any results as there was just so much misinformation and B.S. on the internet. I didn't know who or what to believe. It took me some time to understand the key things that really mattered in getting a good physique. Gradually, I noticed a change, both mentally and physically. I saw changes that I didn’t know were possible and at that's when I realized that my potential was endless. Getting fit increased my confidence drastically. There's no feeling that can compare to being able to see your abs for the first time. What made it better was I ate amazing food like cheesy pasta while getting them.

    I also took part in my first competition, The International Natural Bodybuilding Association middle east (INBA) at the age of 17. I placed 2nd, not too bad for someone who just a few years ago couldn't even take their shirt off at the beach. I quickly realized the possibilities and decided to take my training to the next level. Increasing the intensity and passion with which I trained. I found out what was best for me and adopted it religiously. At the age of 18, I qualified for the INBA world championship held in Dubai and I placed 6th. Overall. After which I decided that bodybuilding wasn’t really for me and that what I really enjoyed was helping people transform their lives after that ep i went on to learn about other disciplines and arts regarding fitness, having a mentor and the right knowledge is very important and can change everything .

    Now, I want to help others achieve the body of their dreams in the most efficient and ENJOYABLE way possible. So they don’t have to struggle like I did.

    Are you ready to change your life?

    What is Ak Fitness all about?

    We specialize in taking people from point A - point B in the most optimal and sustainable way possible. Only when its flexible and enjoyable it will be optimal therefore be sustainable. This system is bulletproof as our students don’t relapse as they enjoy what they do and eat and still get the results

    Our Purpose

    We change and impact lives by making the best version of yourself.

    Our Goal

    The goal of AK Fitness is based on smart training, flexibility and Sustainablity. From the various training programs, Meals, and cardio you have the freedom to choose how you want to train, eat, which style of cardio you would want to perform. Do you know that you can still eat your favorite foods, eat your favorite cuisine, eat chocolate, ice-creams and still get in shape and I will show how you can achieve it. That’s not all you don’t have to live in the gym I will teach you how you can enjoy your life and still get exceptional results. EXCITED ALREADY!

    Nothing is impossible with the right guidance and knowledge; you could achieve the body you’ve always hoped for.