Any doubts you have regarding any part of the plan or your lifestyle , all you have to do is hit us up on WhatsApp and we will help you out.
Team AK Fitness is always here to push you to your limits and help you reach your goals as long as you put in the work.
When I say cardio I’m sure you think of running on a treadmill for hours on end. Don’t worry that’s not how we do things here. My team will design a cardio routine which will never get boring for you.
We will be having a weekly 1-1 accountability call to discuss in detail your challenges, what was good in the week, what was hard to follow etc
I will track your progress throughout the duration of the program. We’ll make sure you hit your goals and keep progressing.
The plan will be fully customizable, and changes will be done to the cardio, training and your nutrition as your body adapts.
You don’t have to waste all your money on worthless supplements, since we'll guide you. Only a handful of supplements actually work. The rest just empty your wallet.
"This is non refundable so if you pay for coaching be 100% sure you are ready to get to work.
In case, you want to discontinue halfway through I will make a note of it and provide coaching anytime in the future."